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Project routing settings

The previous section covered creating and running a Beego project. This section will investigate the operation of the main file (main.go):

package main

import (
        _ "quickstart/routers"

func main() {

This code imports the package quickstart/routers. This file contains the following (routers/router.go):

package routers

import (

func init() {
        web.Router("/", &controllers.MainController{})

There are two relevant lines here; web.Router and web.Run.

  1. web.Router is used to register a router address. This command accepts two arguments. The first argument specifes the request uri, which is / here to indicate that no uri is requested. The second argument is used to indicate the Controller that will handle requests for this uri.

Alternately, a router can be registered in this format:

    web.Router("/user", &controllers.UserController{})

The user can visit /user to invoke the logic in UserController. For further information on router usage please see beego router settings.

  1. web.Run will actively listen on the specified port when executed. The following tasks are performed behind the scenes upon execution:

    • Parse the configuration file
      Beego will parse the configuration file app.conf in conf folder to change the port, enable session management and set the application’s name.

    • Initialize the user session
      Beego will initialize the user session, based on the setting in the configuration file.

    • Compile the views
      Beego will compile the views in the views folder. This is done on startup to avoid compiling multiple times and improve efficiency.

    • Starting the supervisor module
      By visiting port 8088 the user can access information about QPS, cpu, memory, GC, goroutine and thread information.

    • Listen on the service port
      Beego will listen http requests on port 8080. It takes advantage of goroutines by calling ListenAndServe.

    • When the application is running our server will serve incoming requests from port 8080 and supervising from port 8088.

The next section will cover the operation of the controller next section.

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