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By default the Beego configuration file uses the INI format. Other supported formats include XML, JSON, and YAML.

Default configurations parsing

Beego will parse the conf/app.conf file by default.

Many default variables can be initialized in this file:

appname = beepkg
httpaddr = ""
httpport = 9090
runmode ="dev"
autorender = false
recoverpanic = false
viewspath = "myview"

These configurations will replace Beego’s default values.

Other application specific values can also be set using this file, such as database connection details:

mysqluser = "root"
mysqlpass = "rootpass"
mysqlurls = ""
mysqldb   = "beego"

These configurations can be accessed like this:


AppConfig’s methods:

  • Set(key, val string) error
  • String(key string) string
  • Strings(key string) []string
  • Int(key string) (int, error)
  • Int64(key string) (int64, error)
  • Bool(key string) (bool, error)
  • Float(key string) (float64, error)
  • DefaultString(key string, defaultVal string) string
  • DefaultStrings(key string, defaultVal []string)
  • DefaultInt(key string, defaultVal int) int
  • DefaultInt64(key string, defaultVal int64) int64
  • DefaultBool(key string, defaultVal bool) bool
  • DefaultFloat(key string, defaultVal float64) float64
  • DIY(key string) (interface{}, error)
  • GetSection(section string) (map[string]string, error)
  • SaveConfigFile(filename string) error

When using the INI format the key supports the section::key pattern.

The Default* methods can be used to return default values if the config file cannot be read.

Configurations for Different Environments

Configurations for different runmodes can be set under their own sections. Beego will take the configurations of the current runmode by default. For example:

appname = beepkg
httpaddr = “”
httpport = 9090
runmode =“dev”
autorender = false
recoverpanic = false
viewspath = “myview”

httpport = 8080
httpport = 8088
httpport = 8888

The configurations above set up httpport for dev, prod and test environments. Beego will take httpport = 8080 for the current runmode “dev”.

To get config to operate under a different runmode use “runmode::key”. For example:


For custom configs use beego.GetConfig(typ, key string) to get the config.

Multiple config files

The INI config file supports include to including multiple config files.


appname = beepkg
httpaddr = ""
httpport = 9090

include "app2.conf"


runmode ="dev"
autorender = false
recoverpanic = false
viewspath = "myview"

httpport = 8080
httpport = 8088
httpport = 8888

Beego default config variables

Beego includes many configurable variables. These can be configured and overwritten in conf/app.conf.

Basic config

// now only support ini, next will support json.
func parseConfig(appConfigPath string) (err error) {
    AppConfig, err = newAppConfig(appConfigProvider, appConfigPath)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return assignConfig(AppConfig)
  • LoadAppConfig
    The file format of LoadAppConfig. By default this is ini. Other valid formats include xml, yaml, and json.
    The application configuration file path. By default this is conf/app.conf.

    beego.LoadAppConfig("yaml", "conf/app.conf")

App config

  • AppName

    The application name. By default this is “Beego”. If the application is created by bee new project_name it will be set to project_name.

    beego.BConfig.AppName = "beego"

  • RunMode

    The application mode. By default this is set to dev. Other valid modes include prod and test. In dev mode user friendly error pages will be shown. In prod mode user friendly error pages will not be rendered.

    beego.BConfig.RunMode = "dev"

  • RouterCaseSensitive

    Set case sensitivity for the router. By default this value is true.

    beego.BConfig.RouterCaseSensitive = true

  • ServerName

    The Beego server name. By default this name is beego.

    beego.BConfig.ServerName = "beego"

  • RecoverPanic

    When active the application will recover from exceptions without exiting the application. By default this is set to true.

    beego.BConfig.RecoverPanic = true

  • CopyRequestBody

    Toggle copying of raw request body in context. By default this is false except for GET, HEAD or file uploading.

    beego.BConfig.CopyRequestBody = false

  • EnableGzip

    Enable Gzip. By default this is false. If Gzip is enabled the output of templates will be compressed by Gzip or zlib according to the Accept-Encoding setting of the browser.

    beego.BConfig.EnableGzip = false

    Further properties can be configured as below:

    gzipCompressLevel = 9 Sets the compression level used for deflate compression(0-9). By default is 9 (best speed).

    gzipMinLength = 256 Original content will only be compressed if length is either unknown or greater than gzipMinLength. The default length is 20B.

    includedMethods = get;post List of HTTP methods to compress. By default only GET requests are compressed.

  • MaxMemory

    Sets the memory cache size for file uploading. By default this is 1 << 26(64M).

    beego.BConfig.MaxMemory = 1 << 26

  • EnableErrorsShow

    Toggles the display of error messages. By default this is True.

    beego.BConfig.EnableErrorsShow = true

  • EnableErrorsRender

    Toggles rendering error messages. By default this is set to True. User friendly error pages will not be rendered even in dev RunMode if this value is false.

Web config

  • AutoRender

    Enable auto render. By default this is True. This value should be set to false for API applications, as there is no need to render templates.

    beego.BConfig.WebConfig.AutoRender = true

  • EnableDocs

    Enable Docs. By default this is False.

    beego.BConfig.WebConfig.EnableDocs = false

  • FlashName

    Sets the Flash Cookie name. By default this is BEEGO_FLASH.

    beego.BConfig.WebConfig.FlashName = "BEEGO_FLASH"

  • FlashSeperator

    Set the Flash data separator. By default this is BEEGOFLASH.

    beego.BConfig.WebConfig.FlashSeperator = "BEEGOFLASH"

  • DirectoryIndex

    Enable listing of the static directory. By default this is False and will return a 403 error.

    beego.BConfig.WebConfig.DirectoryIndex = false

  • StaticDir

    Sets the static file dir(s). By default this is static.

    1. Single dir, StaticDir = download. Same as beego.SetStaticPath("/download","download")

    2. Multiple dirs, StaticDir = download:down download2:down2. Same as beego.SetStaticPath("/download","down") and beego.SetStaticPath("/download2","down2")

    beego.BConfig.WebConfig.StaticDir = map[string]string{"download":"download"}

  • StaticExtensionsToGzip

    Sets a list of file extensions that will support compression by Gzip. The formats .css and .js are supported by default.

    beego.BConfig.WebConfig.StaticExtensionsToGzip = []string{".css", ".js"}

    Same as in config file StaticExtensionsToGzip = .css, .js

  • TemplateLeft

    Left mark of the template, {{ by default.

    beego.BConfig.WebConfig.TemplateLeft = "{{"

  • TemplateRight

    Right mark of the template, }} by default.

    beego.BConfig.WebConfig.TemplateRight = "}}"

  • ViewsPath

    Set the location of template files. This is set to views by default.

    beego.BConfig.WebConfig.ViewsPath = "views"

  • EnableXSRF
    Enable XSRF

    beego.BConfig.WebConfig.EnableXSRF = false


    Set the XSRF key. By default this is beegoxsrf.

    beego.BConfig.WebConfig.XSRFKEY = "beegoxsrf"

  • XSRFExpire

    Set the XSRF expire time. By default this is set to 0.

    beego.BConfig.WebConfig.XSRFExpire = 0

  • CommentRouterPath

    Beego scan CommentRouterPath to auto generate router, the default value is controllers
    beego.BConfig.WebConfig.CommentRouterPath = "controllers"

HTTP Server config

  • Graceful

    Enable graceful shutdown. By default this is False.

    beego.BConfig.Listen.Graceful = false

  • ServerTimeOut

    Set the http timeout. By default thi is ‘0’, no timeout.

    beego.BConfig.Listen.ServerTimeOut = 0

  • ListenTCP4

   Set the address type. default is tcp6 but we can set it to true to force use TCP4.

`beego.BConfig.Listen.ListenTCP4 = true`
  • EnableHTTP

    Enable HTTP listen. By default this is set to True.

    beego.BConfig.Listen.EnableHTTP = true

  • HTTPAddr

    Set the address the app listens to. By default this value is empty and the app will listen to all IPs.

    beego.BConfig.Listen.HTTPAddr = ""

  • HTTPPort

    Set the port the app listens on. By default this is 8080

    beego.BConfig.Listen.HTTPPort = 8080

  • EnableHTTPS

    Enable HTTPS. By default this is False. When enabled HTTPSCertFile and HTTPSKeyFile must also be set.

    beego.BConfig.Listen.EnableHTTPS = false

  • HTTPSAddr

    Set the address the app listens to. Default is empty and the app will listen to all IPs.

    beego.BConfig.Listen.HTTPSAddr = ""

  • HTTPSPort

    Set the port the app listens on. By default this is 10443

    beego.BConfig.Listen.HTTPSPort = 10443

  • HTTPSCertFile

    Set the SSL cert path. By default this value is empty.

    beego.BConfig.Listen.HTTPSCertFile = "conf/ssl.crt"

  • HTTPSKeyFile

    Set the SSL key path. By default this value is empty.

    beego.BConfig.Listen.HTTPSKeyFile = "conf/ssl.key"

  • EnableAdmin

    Enable supervisor module. By default this is False.

    beego.BConfig.Listen.EnableAdmin = false

  • AdminAddr

    Set the address the admin app listens to. By default this is blank and the app will listen to any IP.

    beego.BConfig.Listen.AdminAddr = ""

  • AdminPort

    Set the port the admin app listens on. By default this is 8088.

    beego.BConfig.Listen.AdminPort = 8088

  • EnableFcgi

    Enable fastcgi. By default this is False.

    beego.BConfig.Listen.EnableFcgi = false

  • EnableStdIo

    Enable fastcgi standard I/O or not. By default this is False.

    beego.BConfig.Listen.EnableStdIo = false

Session config

  • SessionOn

    Enable session. By default this is False.

    beego.BConfig.WebConfig.Session.SessionOn = false

  • SessionProvider

    Set the session provider. By default this is memory.

    beego.BConfig.WebConfig.Session.SessionProvider = "memory"

  • SessionName

    Set the session cookie name stored in the browser. By default this is beegosessionID.

    beego.BConfig.WebConfig.Session.SessionName = "beegosessionID"

  • SessionGCMaxLifetime

    Set the session expire time. By default this is 3600s.

    beego.BConfig.WebConfig.Session.SessionGCMaxLifetime = 3600

  • SessionProviderConfig

    Set the session provider config. Different providers can require different config settings. Please see session for more information.

  • SessionCookieLifeTime

    Set the valid expiry time of the cookie in browser for session. By default this is 3600s.

    beego.BConfig.WebConfig.Session.SessionCookieLifeTime = 3600

  • SessionAutoSetCookie

    Enable SetCookie. By default this is True.

    beego.BConfig.WebConfig.Session.SessionAutoSetCookie = true

  • SessionDomain

    Set the session cookie domain. By default this is empty.

    beego.BConfig.WebConfig.Session.SessionDomain = ""

Log config

See [logs module](en-US/module/ for more information.
  • AccessLogs

    Enable output access logs. By default these logs will not be output under ‘prod’ mode.

    beego.BConfig.Log.AccessLogs = false

  • FileLineNum

    Toggle printing line numbers. By default this is True. This config is not supported in config file.

    beego.BConfig.Log.FileLineNum = true

  • Outputs

    Log outputs config. This config is not supported in config file.

    beego.BConfig.Log.Outputs = map[string]string{"console": ""}


    beego.BConfig.Log.Outputs["console"] = ""

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