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  • This document is for using session as a standalone module in other projects. If you are using session with Beego, please check here session control*

Introduction to Session Module

The session module is used to store user data between different requests. It only supports saving the session id into a cookie, so if the client doesn’t support cookies, it won’t work.

It is inspired by database/sql, which means: one interface, multiple implementations. By default it supports four saving providers: memory, file, redis and mysql.

Install session module:

go get

Basic Usage:

Import package first:

import (

Then initialize a global variable as the session manager:

var globalSessions *session.Manager

Then initialize data in your main function:

func init() {
    globalSessions, _ = session.NewManager("memory", `{"cookieName":"gosessionid", "enableSetCookie,omitempty": true, "gclifetime":3600, "maxLifetime": 3600, "secure": false, "sessionIDHashFunc": "sha1", "sessionIDHashKey": "", "cookieLifeTime": 3600, "providerConfig": ""}`)
    go globalSessions.GC()

Parameters of NewManager:

  1. Saving provider name: memory, file, mysql, redis
  2. A JSON string that contains the config information.
    1. cookieName: Cookie name of session id saved on the client
    2. enableSetCookie, omitempty: Whether to enable SetCookie, omitempty
    3. gclifetime: The interval of GC.
    4. maxLifetime: Expiration time of data saved on the server
    5. secure: Enable https or not. There is cookie.Secure while configure cookie.
    6. sessionIDHashFunc: SessionID generator function. sha1 by default.
    7. sessionIDHashKey: Hash key.
    8. cookieLifeTime: Cookie expiration time on the client. 0 by default, which means life time of browser.
    9. providerConfig: Provider-specific config. See below for more information.

Then we can use session in our code:

func login(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    sess, _ := globalSessions.SessionStart(w, r)
    defer sess.SessionRelease(w)
    username := sess.Get("username")
    if r.Method == "GET" {
        t, _ := template.ParseFiles("login.gtpl")
        t.Execute(w, nil)
    } else {
        sess.Set("username", r.Form["username"])

Here are the methods of globalSessions:

  • SessionStart Return session object based on current request.
  • SessionDestroy Destroy current session object.
  • SessionRegenerateId Regenerate a new sessionID.
  • GetActiveSession Get active session user.
  • SetHashFunc Set sessionID generator function.
  • SetSecure Enable Secure cookie or not.

The returned session object is a Interface. Here are the methods:

  • Set(key, value interface{}) error
  • Get(key interface{}) interface{}
  • Delete(key interface{}) error
  • SessionID() string
  • SessionRelease()
  • Flush() error

Saving Provider Config

We’ve already seen configuration of memory provider. Here is the configuration of the others:

  • mysql:

    All the parameters are the same as memory’s except the fourth parameter, e.g.:


    For details see the go-sql-driver/mysql documentation.

  • redis:

    Connection config: address,pool,password,100,astaxie
  • file:

    The session save path. Create new files in two levels by default. E.g.: if sessionID is xsnkjklkjjkh27hjh78908 the file will be saved as ./tmp/x/s/xsnkjklkjjkh27hjh78908


Creating a new provider

Sometimes you need to create your own session provider. The Session module uses interfaces, so you can implement this interface to create your own provider easily.

// Store contains all data for one session process with specific id.
type Store interface {
    Set(ctx context.Context, key, value interface{}) error     //set session value
    Get(ctx context.Context, key interface{}) interface{}      //get session value
    Delete(ctx context.Context, key interface{}) error         //delete session value
    SessionID(ctx context.Context) string                      //back current sessionID
    SessionRelease(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter) // release the resource & save data to provider & return the data
    Flush(ctx context.Context) error                           //delete all data

// Provider contains global session methods and saved SessionStores.
// it can operate a SessionStore by its id.
type Provider interface {
    SessionInit(ctx context.Context, gclifetime int64, config string) error
    SessionRead(ctx context.Context, sid string) (Store, error)
    SessionExist(ctx context.Context, sid string) (bool, error)
    SessionRegenerate(ctx context.Context, oldsid, sid string) (Store, error)
    SessionDestroy(ctx context.Context, sid string) error
    SessionAll(ctx context.Context) int // get all active session
    SessionGC(ctx context.Context)

Finally, register your provider:

func init() {
    // ownadapter is an instance of session.Provider
    session.Register("own", ownadapter)
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