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Controller logic

The previous section covered user requests to controllers. This section will explain how to write a controller. Let’s start with some code:

package controllers

import (

type MainController struct {

func (this *MainController) Get() {
        this.Data["Website"] = ""
        this.Data["Email"] = ""
        this.TplName = "index.tpl" // version 1.6 use this.TplName = "index.tpl"

The following is a breakdown of the different sections of this code.

How Beego dispatches requests

The MainController is the first thing created. It contains an anonymous struct field of type web.Controller. This is called struct embedding and is the way that Go mimics inheritance. Because of this MainController automatically acquires all the methods of web.Controller.

web.Controller has several functions such as Init, Prepare, Post, Get, Delete and Head. These functions can be overwritten by implementing them. In this example the Get method was overwritten.

We talked about the fact that Beego is a RESTful framework so our requests will run the related req.Method method by default. For example, if the browser sends a GET request, it will execute the Get method in MainController. Therefore the Get method and the logic we defined above will be executed.

The Get method

The logic of the Get method only outputs data. This data will be stored in this.Data, a map[interface{}]interface{}. Any type of data can be assigned here. In this case only two strings are assigned.

Finally the template will be rendered. this.TplName (v1.6 uses this.TplName) specifies the template which will be rendered. In this case it is index.tpl. If a template is not set it will default to controller/method_name.tpl. For example, in this case it would try to find maincontroller/get.tpl.

There is no need to render manually. Beego will call the Render function (which is implemented in web.Controller) automatically if it is set up in the template.

Check the controller section in the MVC Introduction to learn more about these functions. The next section will describe model writing.

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