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Error Handling

In web development, we need to be able to redirect pages and handle errors. Beego uses Redirect for page redirection and error handling:

func (this *AddController) Get() {
    this.Redirect("/", 302)

If you want to stop this request and throw an exception, you can do this in Beego’s controller:

func (this *MainController) Get() {
    v := this.GetSession("asta")
    if v == nil {
        this.SetSession("asta", int(1))
        this.Data["Email"] = 0
    } else {
        this.SetSession("asta", v.(int)+1)
        this.Data["Email"] = v.(int)
    this.TplName = "index.tpl"

The this.Abort("401") will stop any further execution and it will show this page:

Beego supports 404, 401, 403, 500, 503 error handling by default. You can also define a custom error handling page. For example redefined 404 page:

func page_not_found(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){
    t,_:= template.ParseFiles(web.BConfig.WebConfig.ViewsPath +"/404.html")
    data :=make(map[string]interface{})
    data["content"] = "page not found"
    t.Execute(rw, data)

func main() {
    web.Router("/", &controllers.MainController{})

We can therefore define our own 404.html page to handle a 404 error.

Another cool feature of Beego is support for customized string error handling functions, such as the code below which registers a database error page:

func dbError(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){
    t,_:= template.ParseFiles(web.BConfig.WebConfig.ViewsPath+"/dberror.html")
    data :=make(map[string]interface{})
    data["content"] = "database is now down"
    t.Execute(rw, data)

func main() {
    web.Router("/", &controllers.MainController{})

After registering this error handling code, you can call this.Abort("dbError") at any point in your code to handle the database error.

Controller define Error

Beego version 1.4.3 added support for Controller defined Error handlers, so we can use the web.Controller and template.Render context functions

package controllers

import (

type ErrorController struct {

func (c *ErrorController) Error404() {
    c.Data["content"] = "page not found"
    c.TplName = "404.tpl"

func (c *ErrorController) Error500() {
    c.Data["content"] = "internal server error"
    c.TplName = "500.tpl"

func (c *ErrorController) ErrorDb() {
    c.Data["content"] = "database is now down"
    c.TplName = "dberror.tpl"

From the example we can see that all the error handling functions have the prefix Error,the other string is the name of Abort,like Error404 match Abort("404")

Use web.ErrorController to register the error controller before web.Run

package main

import (
    _ "btest/routers"


func main() {

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