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Global Variables

Variables common to all requests can be added using a base controller using the Prepare method.

Usage examples include the username of the current user for display in a toolbar or the request URL for highlighting active menu items.

First, create a common/base controller in the controllers package:

├── controllers
│   ├── base.go <-- base controller
│   └── default.go
└── main.go

Your base controller should embed the web.Controller from From here, the Prepare method should be defined, containing any logic required for global variables:

// app_root/controllers/base.go
package controllers

import (

type BaseController struct {

// Runs after Init before request function execution
func (c *BaseController) Prepare() {
    c.Data["RequestUrl"] = c.Ctx.Input.URL()

// Runs after request function execution
func (c *BaseController) Finish() {
    // Any cleanup logic common to all requests goes here. Logging or metrics, for example.

All other controllers should embed BaseController instead of web.Controller:

// app_root/controllers/default.go
package controllers

type DefaultController struct {

func (c *DefaultController) Index() {
    // your controller logic

From here your views can access these global variables, in both individual templates and all parent templates:

<div>{{ $.RequestUrl }}</div>
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