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🛠️ Installation Guide

Welcome to the MarkVault installation guide! This step-by-step guide will help you set up MarkVault on your system and get started with managing blogs using GitHub.

🚀 Prerequisites

Before installing MarkVault, make sure you have the following:

🔹 Python 3.10+ installed on your system.
🔹 Git installed for repository management.
🔹 A GitHub account with a repository for storing blog posts.
🔹 A GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT) with repo permissions.
🔹 pip (Python package manager) installed.

📌 Step 1: Clone the Repository

To install MarkVault, start by cloning the GitHub repository:

git clone
cd MarkVault

📌 Step 2: Create a Virtual Environment

To keep dependencies isolated, create a virtual environment:

python -m venv venv

Activate the virtual environment:

  • Windows:
  • Linux/macOS:
    source venv/bin/activate

📌 Step 3: Install Dependencies

Now, install the required dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

This will install Django, PyGitHub, and other necessary packages.

📌 Step 4: Configure Environment Variables

MarkVault requires a .env file to store GitHub credentials.

1️⃣ Copy the sample configuration file:

cp sample.env .env   # For Linux/macOS
copy sample.env .env  # For Windows

2️⃣ Open .env and update the following variables with your GitHub credentials:


📌 Step 5: Apply Migrations (Optional)

If you plan to extend MarkVault with a database, run:

python migrate

Since MarkVault currently does not use a database, this step is not mandatory.

📌 Step 6: Run the Development Server

Now, start the Django server:

python runserver

Visit in your browser to access MarkVault.

🎯 Next Steps

🎉 Congratulations! You have successfully installed MarkVault. Now, proceed to:

➡️ Configuration Guide – Set up additional options.
➡️ Writing Blogs – Learn how to create and sync blog posts.
➡️ Troubleshooting Guide – Fix common installation issues.

🆘 Need Help?

If you encounter any issues during installation, check the FAQs or open an issue in the GitHub Repository.

🚀 Start blogging with MarkVault today!